
Showing posts from 2021

Poverty Must be Addressed Urgently

Incivility causes poverty. Civility encourages inclusive wealth . A nasty economy encourages greed, cruelty and disinformation. A good economy encourages care and kindness through the acquisition and use of quality information  You currently have a chance to learn about the Civility Party of Australia:   Providing Certainty through Civility Properly Understanding Distress Priority Membership Possibilities Pleasantly Accomplished Candidates Presenting Voting Options Appropriately Possibilities for the Future Purposeful Policies Practical Approaches to Providing Support Peacefully and Politely Placing Political Putridness on the Compost Heap of History Preparing Appropriately with a Proper Plan Public Accountability Preventing Corruption Perfectly Suitable Supporters Protecting Mental Health Party Registrations Performing for the Ordinary Australian Public Appropriately Productively Acknowledging Facts and Feelings Presidential Address Political Visi

Political Vision

Every policy is an analogy of a future world, or at least a small part of it. Accurately viewing the bigger picture of that future world requires considerable knowledge. Conveying accurate information about the picture requires considerable civility, particularly in the form of sensitivity. The Civility Party of Australia is contributing to the advancement of civility in the world.  Perhaps you believe you are doing the same. What have you already discovered about the mission statement allowing you access to this information about the Civility Party of Australia? Perhaps you regard the aims and objectives of the Civility Party of Australia as unrealistic. Perhaps you regard the policies of the Civility Party of Australia as unrealistic. If you have a political vision, what has informed its development, and why? What is your current political philosophy, and why? How do you identify and interpret the political philosophies of various people, particularly those in positions of politic

Presidential Address

When the Adelaidezone first arose from my imagination, at the beginning of 2009, I lived in a marginal electorate at both the state and federal levels. I have not moved since that time yet the boundaries of the electorates have changed considerably.  I am now located in safe seats at both the state and federal levels. I now have no political power as a consequence. The feeling of powerlessness has deepened my despair over the years.  I am nothing now to the seekers of votes.  I am nothing to the rude employees of bureaucracies, including at the local government level. Everyone is burnt out, with or without ever experiencing a bushfire at close range. Vicarious trauma affects everyone except the deluded. First-hand trauma affects the sensitive much more deeply than the cruel. I am sensitive. I prefer to maintain a low public profile.  My health requires it. I have no confidence in governments to protect me from harm. I have no confidence in the police, or the courts. I have no confidenc

Productively Acknowledging Facts and Feelings

Political legitimacy can only be maintained with productive acknowledgements of facts. The Government of the Commonwealth of Australia was established to support a federal collective of colonial dominions within the imperialist British Empire in 1901, through the enactment of the Constitution of Australia. Before and after 1901, actions enabled through colonial powers, and through associated presumptions, caused considerable suffering. Inter-generational suffering is continuing, not only for many Indigenous Australians but for many other people, in Australia and globally, who have personally and/or ancestrally suffered considerably through the subjection of force and rudeness. Coercion takes many forms, some of which are more blatant than others. Most examples of coercion have no political legitimacy. Rudeness also takes many forms, some of which are more blatant than others. The above statements contain many important concepts to consider carefully and acknowledge factually.  Most of