Productively Acknowledging Facts and Feelings

Political legitimacy can only be maintained with productive acknowledgements of facts.

The Government of the Commonwealth of Australia was established to support a federal collective of colonial dominions within the imperialist British Empire in 1901, through the enactment of the Constitution of Australia.

Before and after 1901, actions enabled through colonial powers, and through associated presumptions, caused considerable suffering.

Inter-generational suffering is continuing, not only for many Indigenous Australians but for many other people, in Australia and globally, who have personally and/or ancestrally suffered considerably through the subjection of force and rudeness.

Coercion takes many forms, some of which are more blatant than others.

Most examples of coercion have no political legitimacy.

Rudeness also takes many forms, some of which are more blatant than others.

The above statements contain many important concepts to consider carefully and acknowledge factually.  Most of those concepts are essentially political while others are mainly philosophical.

If you wish to support the Civility Party of Australia, please consider the statements productively and acknowledge the facts appropriately.

How do you intend to do so?

Perhaps you are seeking guidance on that matter.

If so, where do you intend to look for that guidance, and why?

It is easy to look up words and phrases online and consider their meanings through different sources and approaches.

How, if at all, do you intend to do so, and why?

These words are written in a colonial language.

English is now regarded as an international language.  That status is a consequence of past imperialism.  Yet there are continuing economic and political benefits associated with acquiring and using the language, all around the world.

Even so, Australia is a land of many languages and dialects, as are many other societies.

That fact must be productively acknowledged, as must the associated feelings.

While English is important to learn for economic and political reasons, there are also reasons to learn how and why people reason in various languages, and through various cultural and political experiences, and through various emotional experiences.

What is your acquaintance with the facts about reasoning and how did you acquire those facts?

What is your acquaintance with the facts regarding political legitimacy?

What is your acquaintance with the facts regarding traumatic experiences and their consequences? 

Authentic, mutual trust can develop when there is adequate, interpersonal acknowledgement that traumatic suffering has occurred and that its emotional consequences continue to affect people's lives in detrimental ways, beyond their control.  

The process of building authentic trust must always start with acknowledgements of facts and feelings.

Alleviating suffering involves acknowledging facts and feelings.  That is how the associated emotions are respected.

Traumatic experiences are not forgotten by sufferers, however much they may try to suppress the associated, ongoing feelings through various means.

That is why productive acknowledgements of facts and feelings form the basis of moral authority.

Combining political legitimacy and moral authority, through the appropriate use of language, can only be achieved through careful consideration of, and acknowledgement of, facts and feelings.

Yet there must also be adequate acknowledgement of the need for privacy.

Everyone has the right to establish and maintain their own personal boundaries, physically and emotionally.

Under current international law, political legitimacy gives a political authority, such as a sovereign government, the exclusive right to intrude upon personal boundaries.  It limits that right to the reasonable enforcement of the rule of law.

Yet there have been numerous incidents of unreasonableness in law enforcement, all around the world.  When enforcers of laws become oppressors, political legitimacy has disappeared, and so has moral authority.

Very little has ever been productively achieved through the public sphere to prevent oppression in the private sphere, in any society.

Very little has even been productively achieved in the public sphere to prevent oppression in and through the public sphere, in any society.

But what are productive achievements, and what are productive acknowledgements?

Perhaps you usually measure achievements in terms of money.

Perhaps you usually measure achievements in terms of preventing harm and/or reducing harm.

Perhaps you usually measure achievements in terms of improved public policies and improved laws and improved law enforcement measures.

Perhaps you usually measure achievements in terms of factual clarity, improved understanding and greater interpersonal, and inter-generational, respectfulness.

The Civility Party of Australia productively acknowledges the importance of providing certainty through civility

Acknowledging facts is associated with achieving certainty.

Acknowledging feelings is associated with achieving civility.

Feelings motivate people to pursue various interests and goals, whether in an informed way and/or in a courteous way or otherwise.

The Civility Party of Australia productively acknowledges the importance of properly understanding distress.

Political legitimacy and moral authority are both associated with the alleviation of distress.

Yet how can the Civility Party of Australia achieve political legitimacy and moral authority if not through the productive acknowledgements and well-informed efforts of kind Australian voters?

If you are an Australian voter, what kind of voter are you?

The Civility Party of Australia productively acknowledges all the problems and possibilities associated with Australian politics, including the problems and possibilities not yet known within the party.

The Civility Party of Australia productively acknowledges the importance of offering Australian voters priority membership possibilities within the party.

There are different membership options available for wealthy Australian voters and not-so-wealthy Australian voters.

There are also training packages available for non-members, including Australians not yet old enough to vote, non-Australians preparing to become Australian citizens, and non-Australians with no interest in becoming Australian citizens.

If you are a wealthy Australian voter seeking to become a member of the Civility Party of Australia, how much are you willing and able to pay for a priority membership package, and why? 

If you are a non-wealthy Australian voter seeking to become a member of the Civility Party of Australia, how much are you willing and able to pay for a priority membership package, and why? 

Whether you are seeking to become a member of the Civility Party of Australia or not, you may believe you already know the difference between:

a) courteously improving upon existing standards, 

b) rudely lowering standards (especially by ignoring existing standards), and 

c) rudely inflicting inappropriate opinions on the public in an effort to shape public opinion and public morals in authoritarian ways.

The Civility Party of Australia productively acknowledges the importance of endorsing only pleasantly accomplished candidates.

Pleasant accomplishments include the productive acknowledgement of facts and feelings with suitable consistency.

Ongoing training for all members is provided by the Civility Party of Australia, regardless of whether the members become candidates or not.

The Civility Party of Australia productively acknowledges the importance of presenting voting options appropriately.

For advanced members, voting options are provided within the party itself. 

Voting options are also provided for Australian citizens, at least for now, within the public and political life of Australian society.  They are even provided within many businesses and community organisations, particularly during annual general meetings, and through meetings of various international organisations.

The Civility Party of Australia expects all its members to act with absolute integrity at all times.  

Productive acknowledgements of facts and feelings are an indication of integrity.

Only trainee members have the possibility of advancing to become advanced members and prospective candidates. 

And only Australian citizens with the ability to show they are adequately accomplished as patrons of enlightened leadership may apply to become members of the Civility Party of Australia.

The Civility Party of Australia productively acknowledges the importance of offering educational, informational and policy-based possibilities for the future.

There are many educational resources available to advance the real world leadership of suitably registered patrons of enlightened leadership, whether such patrons become members of the Civility Party of Australia or not.

Suitably registered patrons of enlightened leadership, wherever they are located in the world, may register as dignified, online students at the International Political Reform School near the Social Media Quadrangle of the Adelaidezone Digital Arts Quarter.

Suitably registered patrons of enlightened leadership may also register at the Old Adelaidezone Gateway as students of real world leadership.

How do you tell the difference between leading a peaceful political reform process and providing the necessary political leadership for governing a society peacefully?

How do you tell the difference between peaceful leadership and aggressive actions?

All enlightened leadership is peaceful.  It productively acknowledges facts and feelings.

The Civility Party of Australia productively acknowledges the importance of purposeful policies.

Every problematic situation causes distress to someone.

People are often perceived as rude when they are distressed. 

People are also frequently perceived as rude when they fail to respond to distress as sensitively as expected by a person in distress.

Addressing distress appropriately, especially by preventing distress from arising in the future, is obviously an important purpose for any worthy political party, and any suitably purposeful policy.

As the Civility Party of Australia accepts no donations, ignores all lobbying, and declines all undignified media requests, its members select much more democratic and respectful approaches towards interacting in the public sphere.

The Civility Party of Australia invites all Australian voters to ask policy-related questions, as long as they do so politely and purposefully, with appropriate integrity.

The public has a right to question the purposefulness of every public policy.

Purposefulness provides the basis for productive experiences.

People with much direct experience of distress experience situations differently from people with less experience of direct distress.  Yet vicarious distress is also common and must be properly acknowledged.  

Temperament also plays its part in how distress is interpreted.  For example, extroverts may experience distress in different ways than introverts in many situations.  And extroverts may experience stress in situations introverts find relaxing, and vice versa.

The Civility Party of Australia takes matters of sensitivity, integrity and privacy very seriously indeed.  That is why all members of the party, and especially the candidates, are required to understand and appreciate that no information must ever be taken at face value, particularly when distress is claimed or assumed. 

Reasonable Australians want stability in their lives.  They want certainty.  They want honesty.  They want courtesy.  They want the care and attention they need and deserve. 

Unreasonable Australians need stability in their lives.  They need certainty.  They need honesty.  They need courtesy.  They need care and attention, whether to help them to become more reasonable or to protect them from their own unreasonableness.

And all Australians deserve to be protected from unreasonableness.

The Civility Party of Australia productively acknowledges the importance of practical approaches to providing support.

A promotional approach is mainly an informational one, or one associated mainly with propaganda. 

An educational approach is mainly associated with providing information on ways to prevent danger and other potential harm.

A critical approach highlights problems and potential problems.

While the provision of information and education are important, in much the same way as raising awareness of problems and potential problems, acting appropriately upon the information acquired is another matter entirely.

The Civility Party of Australia never ignore human needs.  Its advanced members, in particular, understand human needs deeply and address them decently.

The party also respects the needs of other species, as reasonably as possible.

The social policies of the Civility Party of Australia form the basis of the party's economic policies, environmental policies and all the other, necessary policies.  

Good social policies provide the certainty through which good investments can be made, including good economic, environmental and cultural investments.

How have you been exploring possibilities through the Civility Party of Australia? 

Perhaps you would regard the ability to gain membership of the Civility Party of Australia as a privilege.

Perhaps you would even regard the ability to vote for the Civility Party of Australia as a privilege.

Possibilities for the future are either accessible to people or inaccessible.

Transforming the inaccessible into the accessible, as reasonably as possible, is the essence of good public policy.

Reasonableness must always be the foundation of public policy, in any society.  Without reasonableness, there is no political legitimacy or moral authority.

As a deeply democratic organisation, the Civility Party of Australia does its best to ensure its approach to making, implementing and assessing policies is as easy-to-understand as possible.

Even so, party members never oversimplify the analysis of problems.  They never resorts to slogans.  They never offer platitudes as public policy.

Suitably sensible social policies express the essence of well-informed kindness with gracious consistency.  They provide a well-reasoned, practical approach to providing societal support of long-term benefit, without encouraging unnecessary dependence.

Adequate personal independence is encouraged by the Civility Party of Australia, as is appropriate interdependence.

Situations should always be assessed from the perspective of vulnerability.

It is necessary to ascertain whether a situation is relatively difficult for one or more individuals, or for a relationship between particular people, or in more complex ways.

The Civility Party of Australia understands vulnerability very well indeed.

To be vulnerable is to lack the psychological, social, physical and/or financial resources to cope in a relatively difficult situation.

There is nothing wrong with feeling vulnerable, feeling distressed and feeling confused.  In fact, there is something wrong with not feeling that way in difficult circumstances or otherwise disorientating ones. 

The process of deciding whether the provision of support should be appropriately one-dimensional, two-dimensional or three-dimensional should always begin with the assessment of vulnerability. 

You may currently be feeling vulnerable in psychological, social, physical and/or financial ways.

Please acknowledge those feelings and the facts associated with them.

If you are wondering whether you can afford membership of the Civility Party of Australia, that indicates you are unlikely to be eligible for any of the wealthy membership categories.

Eligibility in all categories of membership, whether wealthy or otherwise, obviously involves the ability to pay.  It also involves a substantial commitment of time and attentiveness.

Devoting sufficient time and energy towards the associated training, tutoring, moderation, mediation, counselling and mentoring levels is essential, on an ongoing basis, over many years.

If you have already received training in the provision of online training, offline training, and various approaches to tutoring, moderation, mediation, counselling and/or mentoring, where did you receive that training?

If you have already been a member of a political party, whether in Australia or elsewhere, what did you learn through that experience?

If you are a relatively wealthy Australian citizen with a deep respect for democracy, do please apply for membership of the Civility Party of Australia at your earliest opportunity, at if you regard yourself as a persons of integrity.

Wealth, as a fact, is associated with considerable moral responsibilities.  It is not a source of moral authority.  Nor is it a basis of political legitimacy.

Popularity is not a source of moral authority.  In electoral politics, it may be regarded as a source of political legitimacy, but only if a political party achieves a landslide win in a free and fair election.

But what is a free and fair election, and how is it achieved?

What is a corrupt electoral system, and how does it develop?

And how can a corrupt electoral system be replaced by a free and fair one?

The Civility Party of Australia productively acknowledges the importance of peacefully and politely placing political putridness on the compost heap if history.

When wealth funds propaganda to help win elections, there is no political legitimacy or moral authority, even with a landslide victory.  The system is corrupt and must urgently be reformed.

When the news media reports propaganda as fact, and uses aggressive words in political contexts, the news media is a tool of the corrupt system and must itself be reformed urgently.

If you are seeking to vote for the Civility Party of Australia, there is unlikely to be a candidate of relevance in your local vicinity at present, unless that candidate is you.

What have been your experiences when attempting to improve the structure of a society and/or the structure of a soil and/or the structure of an system?

If you have the ability to win a seat in a parliament or council chamber, you will most likely have considerable support from other people, unless there is no opposition to your election, or no worthy opponent, or no opponent promoted unfairly through the mass media and/or no excessive advertising on behalf of one or more opponents.

The Civility Party of Australia productively acknowledges the importance of preparing appropriately with a proper plan.

What do you know about the causes and consequences of accessibility and inaccessibility?

How do you define usefulness and uselessness in various situations?

How do you know whether a plan is proper or not? 

Facts on their own do not usually help to solve problems.  Understanding relationships between facts, particularly by presenting evidence of cause and effect relationships, may not necessarily help to solve problems, either.

What is most necessary is the will to act upon the evidence.

What is your plan for your leadership?

What are the goals you are seeking, and why?

What have been your past experiences when seeking to provide leadership?

How do you know you are a real leader?

How productively do you usually acknowledge facts, and for whose benefit?

How productively do you usually acknowledge feelings, and for whose benefit?

The mistake most usually made in political parties is to focus on the party itself, and relationships within it, rather than the legitimate beneficiaries of political decisions.

In such situations, the party structures and systems do not serve the public interest.  They do not serve the common good.  They make a mockery of democracy.  They treat the common wealth as the property of the winning party, or at least the most influential individuals within the party structure.

The Civility Party of Australia currently has no influence in Australian public life.  It is merely a theoretical structure, in much the same way as the necessary political reforms advocated by the membership.

What is your political plan for the little part of planet Earth associated with your voting choices, and why, and when did, or will, you start implementing it?

What is your political plan for planet Earth, and why, and when did, or will, you start implementing it?

The Civility Party of Australia productively acknowledges the importance of public accountability.

Perhaps you do, too.

The public also has a right to know how political organisations are structured and who has, and has had, the most power and influence within them, and why.

The public also has a right to know how organisations with political influence are structured and who has, and has had, the most power and influence within them, and why.

What do you already know about political influence in Australia, and how did you acquire that information?

As you will have already discovered, the Civility Party of Australia is providing real leadership for a better, fairer, safer, more peaceful and prosperous world, in accordance with the laws of nature and the ethics of universal morality. 

What do you already know about the right to know, and how do you know it?

The Civility Party of Australia supports real world leadership and real local leadership.  It does so to support the adequate alleviation of truly urgent local, national and international needs.

What do you regard those needs to be, and why?

There are many types of vulnerability to examine with appropriate sensitivity, not only within the lived experience of distressed, individual persons but within their social, cultural, historical, financial and environmental contexts.

Misguided interventions can often cause more harm than good.  They are wasteful of resources.  They cause distress as much, or more, than they alleviate it.  They destroy public trust in the possibility of the public interest being served.

That is why one of the main options to examine and critique, in any policy context, is the 'do nothing' option.

Of course, doing nothing is immoral when something must be done.  It is especially immoral when the resources to do whatever is necessary are available, or should be available through adequate management.

Whenever a public intervention would be inadequately based on fact, the state should either to do nothing to intervene until the necessary facts are available or put temporary measures in place to alleviate suffering.

Unfortunately, politicians with no regard for the facts prefer to do nothing regardless of the facts available, as indicated by the cruel political strategy of the current federal government, and the cruelty of previous Australian governments.

Australian history is littered with evidence of cruelty, as its the history of other societies, all over the world.

Many problematic situations involve more than one person in emotional distress, even if that distress is not overtly expressed.

Much suffering is either hidden from public view or intruded upon insensitively, whether on behalf of a news organisation, a government organisation, a charitable organisation or an intergovernmental organisation.

The mess caused by inappropriate, past interventions, in any part of the world, can be expensive to remedy, particularly when expensive, past strategies have failed tragically.

The mess caused by the lack of necessary interventions can also be expensive to remedy.

But where is public accountability in terms of political legitimacy?

Where is moral authority when and where it is most needed?

How do you define support in various circumstances, and for what reasons?

How do you identify the people requiring practical support, and from whom?

How do you identify plants, animals and ecosystems requiring practical support, and who should be accountable for providing that support?

How do you attempt to ascertain the support you require, and from whom?

How will you be contributing towards the political improvement of Australia over the next few weeks, and who will be joining you, and how?

How will you be contributing towards the political improvement of the world more generally over the next few weeks, and who will be joining you, and how?

Providing the public with all the necessary information for wise voting is an expensive proposition, given the fact that most people have never had the chance to vote wisely.  Voters therefore require much ongoing training in how to do so.

Support is a political action whenever it is funded at public expense, whether the funding is derived from public sources or otherwise. 

There are many ways to measure costs and benefits.  M most are not necessarily financial.

To provide financial support to anyone is a political decision whenever the finances involved are partly or entirely sourced from public finances, regardless of whether the money is provided for doing a job or expressing a need or promising to fix a problem.

The Civility Party of Australia has so far received no public money at all.  Its policies reflect a preference for maintaining adequate distance between the party and government practices, corporate practices, and other collective practices.

Members of the party are expected to have no conflicts of interest whatsoever. 

How do you usually attempt to communicate important knowledge to the public, and even to the people known to you?

How do you attempt to communicate important knowledge to people with power over the public?

How do you distinguish between important information and interesting information?

How do you distinguish between important information and dangerous disinformation?

And what do you do when you locate disinformation or are presented with it, whether by a government, a political party, a news organisation, a friend or family member, or anyone else, as though it is factual?

If you have been feeling quite powerless recently, you may be wondering what to do about the situation, particularly if no-one in a position of power has been willing and/or able to address your distress appropriately.

The Civility Party of Australia productively acknowledges the importance of preventing corruption.

Everyone in a position of power, in any society or organisation, should have received adequate, prior training in the sensitive management of crises, including crises they do not personally experience as victims.

The absence of such training is the main reason for the frequent retraumatisation of distressed persons. 

The Civility Party of Australia provides all its official members with the necessary training, including training in the development of appropriate research strategies, assessment strategies and decision-making strategies. 

Every member is required to complete prerequisite readings and practical tasks before beginning the associated training module.

Vulnerability is experienced by all people at particular times in their lives.  That includes wealthy people.

Yet the wealthy usually have surplus financial resources to help them in times of need, or at least they have easy access to low interest bank loans.

Even the wealthy do not have access to necessary services when the associated market failures, and government failures, are evident.

Whether you are wealthy or not, you may not be aware that a service is necessary until you have need of it yourself.

What, in your view, are the necessary resources to initiate a preventative approach towards any problem?

How do you know when resources have been misdirected?

How do you know when a problem is not being prevented at all, even with vast resources allocated towards its prevention?

How do you tell the difference between corruption and incompetence?

Civility helps to prevent distress.  It also helps to ease feelings of distress.  It provides comfort to sufferers of distress.

That is why all good policies not only focus on addressing problems but also support all forms of healing.

The Civility Party of Australia brings a breath of fresh air to local and international political scenes, peacefully bridging the rude divide between angry ideologues.

The bridge of civility is a venue for political, economic and climatological stability.

Every society and organisation requires such a bridge.

With serene reasonableness, the Civility Party of Australia avoids the conspiratorial venom preferred by mainstream political strategists, the hideous sensationalism preferred by the mainstream mass media, the online streaming of factual and fictional hostility as mass entertainment, and the mindless screaming and attention-grabs associated with social media feeds.

Respect for truthfulness, and for true respectfulness, should always be preferred over sensationalist nastiness.

Feelings must be acknowledged in accordance with facts, not delusions.

Critiquing overly powerful individuals and organisations has always been necessary, whether through poetry, plays, satirical novels, remarkable operas, amusing cartoons, academic essays, journalistic questioning, secret ceremonies, sacred rituals, protest songs, righteously indignant placards, informed boycotts, go-slows, withdrawing patronage, withdrawing memberships, writing letters of complaint, providing surveys, releasing reports, and by interviewing alleged victims and alleged perpetrators of abuse.

Being clear about the difference between providing information, providing advice and providing support is obviously necessary. 

Clarity is a necessary standard in itself.

Official advice should always be suitably composed, not only as an informational resource in the public interest but also in keeping with the factual and emotional needs of each person seeking advice.

Enforced interventions should always be of the highest possible standard, with acknowledgement of the uniqueness of every personal experience, from each person's own point of view.

The inability of citizens to meet their urgent needs, with or without further information and/or advice and/or social support, is a political problem, not merely a personal problem. 

Urgency often has political causes and consequences.

Conventional wisdom is not usually based adequately on facts, and especially not from the point of view of a person in a crisis situation.

In most situations, further political decisions are not required at all, whether by the providers of information or by anyone else.  All that is necessary is the appropriate provision of essential, timelessly relevant information to persons in distress. 

Such information succinctly provides relevant facts to emotionally exhausted individuals, whether they are facing personally distressing situations or helping other people to manage distressing circumstances. 

What are those facts, in your view?

And how do the fact relate to feelings?

What do you currently believe civility means in theory and practice, especially politically but also in other societal contexts?

Pleasant societies and pleasant politics both rely upon certainty and civility.  They rely upon properly understanding distress and how to respond to it.  They rely upon the appropriate establishment and pursuit of priorities.  They especially rely upon pleasantly accomplished leaders.

What sort of leader are you, and how do you know?

How capable are you at presenting the public with voting options appropriately?

How do you assess appropriateness in terms of seriousness and cheerfulness?

How genuinely do you express your thoughts and emotions, and how sensitively?

How have you explored possibilities for the future, not only for yourself but for the world?

How have you already contributed to purposeful policies, particularly those associated with practical approaches to providing support to distressed persons, and creative ones?

Courtesy is essential everywhere.  No-one should co-operate with bullies.

Privacy is essential everywhere, too.  The personal aspects of life deserve to be treated with respect.

That is why the Civility Party of Australia will do everything in its power to prevent intrusions into personal lives.  This especially applies to intrusions by political parties, domineering individuals, unjustly influential groups, big corporations, and assorted misanthropes, wherever they may originate.

Have you ever become acquainted with pleasantly accomplished candidates, or even become one?

Do you have much experience of local government, directly and/or indirectly?

Are you currently associated with a wide range of organisations and clubs?

Have you often encountered people who apparently share your beliefs and opinions?

Perhaps you have often encountered argumentative persons who do not share your beliefs and opinions.

Perhaps you have experienced much rudeness, and indifference.

Civility Party candidates are expected to lead by example at all times, in all places, as are all Civility Party members and prospective members.

As with many concepts, civility, as a word, is often misunderstood, in any language.

Perhaps your needs, desires and intentions have often been misinterpreted, whether in terms of language, or facts or feelings.

Perhaps you have often been a victim of prejudices or other inaccurate assumptions and biases.

The Civility Party of Australia does not have an official social media presence.   

Any members and prospective members may have a personal online presence but it is never officially endorsed as a virtual party venue.

Nor does the party maintain an official, physical office or any other official, physical presence.

Unfortunately, ambitious journalists, like overpaid politicians, greedy lawyers, aggressive police officers, and arrogant bureaucrats, do not usually have a reputation for civility.  Keeping away from all such people is necessary for anyone officially associated with the Civility Party of Australia.

Where, when and how do you usually prefer to experience your virtual political, moral and intellectual improvement, and why?

If you have long had a desire to place civility first in your political preferences, the Civility Party of Australia provides all the necessary assistance, at least if you are willing to do your fair share of the work.

And there is much work to do.

That is why the Civility Party of Australia productively acknowledges the importance of perfectly suitable supporters.

Most political organisations make the mistake of endorsing confidently opinionated persons as candidates rather than pleasantly accomplished ones. 

The people involved in selecting political candidates often do not know the difference between a quality candidate, a fool, a bigot, a greedy opportunist, a blinkered ideologue, a bully, a potential dictator, a trickster, a puppet for lobbyists, a populist, an ignorant celebrity, a sleazy predator, a drunken embarrassment, a megalomaniac, a person seeking a political career for the purposes of revenge, someone interested in politics mainly as a way to overcome boredom, or as a way to earn a higher salary than usual.

As the Civility Party of Australia virtually meets in an imagined cottage in an ethereal suburban location associated with Adelaide, that is where ordinary members of the public, supporters of the party, prospective members, actual members, and even an assortment of journalists, will most likely interact officially with various party members, and with each other.

You are currently experiencing this information in the digital library of the cottage, whether you have been previously aware of the library or not.

Please be aware that interactions in the library are entirely to be expressed in courteous, written form, in the English language.

Civil and uncivil disturbances, in any location, are always signs of inadequately effective critiquing.

Aggressive state responses to peaceful protests are always signs of abuses of power.

Aggressive civilian responses to reasonable expressions of political power are usually signs of psychological distress.

Being distressed, in itself, should never be regarded as a crime.

Yet corruption causes much distress, as does incompetence.

Confusion and uncertainty cause much distress in the world.  A truly good education never causes distress.  It encourages and supports clarity, civility and certainty.

Many problems are caused by placing value on money rather than on necessary societal priorities.

Perhaps you regard the acquisition of money as a personal and/or political priority.

Perhaps you regard the spending of money as a personal and/or political priority.

Perhaps you regard the saving of money to be a personal and/or political priority.

Perhaps you regard the investment of money as a personal and/or political priority.

Yet money is only a mechanism, and measure, of trust.

Perhaps you regard the improvement of trustworthiness as a priority.  

Perhaps you regard intelligent frugality as a priority.

Perhaps you regard well-informed kindness as a priority.

Perhaps you regard the improvement of political legitimacy as a priority.

Perhaps you regard the improvement of moral authority as a priority.

Perhaps you regard the improvement of your communication skills as a priority.

Perhaps you regard the improvement of your knowledge of philosophy and/or psychology and/or law reform as a priority.

Regardless of their prior training, every Civility Party member must take full responsibility for how they communicate, and how they interpret the party's policies, and the policies of other organisations.

That responsibility is an indication of necessary maturity, in all its forms.

In expressing your support for the party, whether as an unofficial supporter, an official supporter, or even as an official member, you are responsible for demonstrating your maturity, your knowledge, your ethics, initiative, integrity, civility and leadership, without excessive supervision from the party itself.

The party does not collect information about individuals unless absolutely necessary for candidate-assessment purposes.

That is why the public can be reassured that the Civility Party of Australia has the public interest as its most important intention.

The privacy of all people, including supporters and members, is very important to the party, unlike the situation in most other political organisations in Australia and elsewhere.

Politics should never be regarded as a hobby, a profession or a business.  Its purpose is to improve society using public resources.

That is why the Civility Party of Australia productively acknowledges the importance of protecting mental health.

Productively acknowledging facts and feelings, with appropriate respect for privacy and other sensitivities, helps to prevent mental health problems from arising.  The process also helps minds to overcome distress. 

You are currently experiencing an introduction to that process.

The public relies upon public interest journalism as a succinctly accurate source of necessary information for the assessment of societal, political, cultural, ethical, economic and environmental choices.

How do you attempt to protect the powerless against the unjustly powerful?

How do you identify wrongdoing and attempt to address it?

How do you ascertain the legitimate limits of anyone's power?

How do you assess whether moral authority is genuine or an example of hypocrisy?

Perhaps you are seeking to become a member of the Civility Party of Australia as a matter of urgency.

You will have noticed, however, that there are no 'donate' buttons here.  Nor are there forms here to fill in for prospective membership.

Whether you mainly associate politics with pleasantness or unpleasantness, you are likely to be aware that donations tend to be associated with bribery and other forms of corruption.

That is why the Civility Party of Australia is mainly funded through membership fees and the pro bono provision of services.

The membership fees cover the cost of training members to be world leaders of the highest quality, particularly in terms of integrity.

How do you assess social boundaries, political boundaries and ecological boundaries?

How do you tell the difference between perfection and suitability?

Public life is meant to provide leadership for community life, and private lives.

How do you usually act in public and in private?

How do you usually act within communities?

How do you usually act when interacting with groups and communities you do not regard as your own, whether human or otherwise?

What do you believe to be the moral purpose of private gain?

What do you believe to be the moral purpose of public expenditure?

What do you believe to be the moral purpose of your life?

As you may have noticed, much time and effort has been devoted towards developing the philosophical foundations of the Civility Party of Australia, and the structure of the party.

To become an official member of the party, even as a trainee, it is first necessary to be suitably qualified in terms of temperament and moral development.

How have you assessed your own mental health recently, and with what results?

How productively have you acknowledged all the relevant facts and feelings regarding your mental health, and the mental health of everyone associated with your current way of life, and how do you know?

Good relationships are associated with compatibility, particularly in terms of time, continuity, reasonableness, honesty, freedom, security, certainty, exploration, and ethics.

How do you attempt to maintain suitably clear boundaries between civility and incivility?

How does your political philanthropy contribute towards political pleasantness?

How do you know you have the moral and emotional qualities necessary for the mature assessment of societal, economic, political and environmental problems?

Where do you provide enlightened patronage if not through the direct and/or indirect provision of public interest journalism?

The legislative, judicial and administrative aspects of legitimate societal governance are all compatible with reasonable civility, and with reasonableness more generally.

Why, then, is incivility so prevalent at all levels within the organisational structures of Australia's federal system?

That includes the organisations contracted to provide services on behalf of government organisations, or given public money for other purposes.

The sources of erroneous beliefs and opinions especially deserve to be understood by the holders of such ideas, at least if they are capable of achieving that understanding.

Corruption itself is often believed to be something else by corrupt persons.  They may mistake it for legitimate power.  They may regard ethics as nothing more than following official rules, even when the rules encourage corruption to thrive.

Corrupt organisations, whether governmental or otherwise, give priority to competitiveness and defensiveness, not psychological health.  They are corruptly managed.

Egotism is rewarded in such organisations.  People motivated to advance their own careers through those organisations are corrupted through the associated, aggressive cultural practices. 

Corrupt individuals in workplaces may have a propensity to associate themselves, beyond work, with organisations they believe reflect morality and/or prestige.  That may include religious organisations, fraternal organisations, service organisations, sports clubs, private members clubs and/or political parties.  

Corrupt individuals may even associate themselves, sentimentally, with particular charities and/or even particular cultural institutions.

Corrupt individuals, when mainly associated with a charitable organisation and/or an apparently successful business may actually be a criminal, whether in terms of white-collar crime, organised crime, or any other sort of crime.

Perhaps you associate the integrity of individuals, from your own point of view, with the perceived prestige of the organisations with which the happen or happened to be directly or indirectly associated at a particular moment.

How have you attempted to define the meaning of morality and spirituality and meaningfulness?

Perhaps you regard yourself as a political dissident.

Perhaps you spend much of your time speaking truth to power.

Perhaps you are often involved in peaceful protests.

Perhaps you sign petitions quite frequently.

Perhaps you are involved in raising funds for a particular political campaign.

Perhaps you are a high profile activist of some sort, or even one with very little, if any, public profile at all.

Perhaps you are feeling too vulnerable to protest against anything at present.

There are always many vulnerabilities to consider in relation to developing and implementing policies with appropriate sensitivity and accountability.

That is why all members of the Civility Party of Australia have the chance to take part in appropriate training sessions before being permitted to contribute to the policy development process at an advanced level.

The same will apply to members of the ordinary public, once the Civility Party of Australia gains sufficient political and/or financial power for that to occur.

How, in view of the above, do you intend, most productively, to contribute to the party? 

The Civility Party of Australia productively acknowledges the importance of improving party registrations in Australia.

Many other aspects of politics in Australia also require urgent improvement.

The absence of laws preventing intrusions into privacy by political parties, charities and other organisations, and by individuals, must be addressed as soon as the political will is evident.

The absence of laws preventing emotive and inaccurate language in political advertising, and in political reporting, and in communications on behalf of government departments, must be addressed as soon as the political will is evident.

The absence of laws preventing the harassment of voters outside polling stations by paid and unpaid individuals with 'how-to-vote' leaflets must be addressed as soon as the political will is evident.

The absence of a straightforward and fair system for electing members of upper houses of parliaments must be addressed as soon as the political will is evident.

The absence of courtesy towards the public in parliaments, and during media conferences and media interviews, must be addressed as soon as the political will is evident.

The absence of quality leadership in most parliamentary and governmental decision-making must be addressed as soon as the political will is evident.

Civilised accomplishments are necessary yet unfortunately rare. 

Philanthropic people enjoy highlighting important facts.

Misanthropic people have fun spreading misinformation.  

How much do you value well-informed kindness in yourself and other people?

How much do you value independent thought in yourself and other people? 

How devoted are you towards improving your own thinking?

The Civility Party of Australia productively acknowledges the importance of performing for the ordinary Australian public appropriately.

Yet the ordinary Australian public must also act appropriately if that is to happen quite soon.

When, if at all, will you share this information, and with whom?

Perhaps you would regard that to be an unproductive use of your time.
