Perfectly Suitable Supporters

If you wish to become a perfectly suitable supporter of the Civility Party of Australia, the above question will be one of the most important ones for you to answer, every day.

How do you already support the party, and how do you know?

What does 'support' really mean in practice?

What is a supportive activity and what is not?

Perhaps you associate the word 'support' with the word 'sustain'.

Yet, if civility was sufficient in Australian public life, there would be no need for a civility party in government.

How do you usually contribute to the enlightened being of political kindness?

What have you already contributed, actually and imaginatively, to Civility World?

Being a suitable supporter of the Civility Party of Australia is a big investment, in time if not in money.


If you would like the Civility Party of Australia to continue beyond 2021, what do you intend to contribute towards that continuity?

Perfectly suitable supporters of the party are perfectly reasonable people.  They may even make the time, each day, to experience Civility Today.

How have you contributed towards civility in the world today, and how do you know?

How do you define the enlightened being of political kindness?

Suitability is associated with certainty, not perfection.

Perhaps you mistakenly associate certainty with perfection. 

Perhaps you forget that you are only human.

You have been provided with the opportunity to explore the possibility of improving the political power of the Civility Party of Australia, through the expression of your reasonableness, honesty and freedom.

You are already likely to be providing certainty through civility in your daily life, thereby contributing to the possible improvement of societal courtesy and security.

Perhaps you associate certainty and civility with normality as well as good manners.

What do you know about the development of protocols?

Perhaps you regard at least some rules as excessively restrictive, particularly if you believe they restrict your freedom.

What is your attitude towards the rule of law, and why?

How do you decide whether or not to conform to an apparent rule of etiquette?

There are many factual and philosophical issues to consider if you wish to become a perfectly suitable supporter of the Civility Party of Australia.


What do you regard as the essential rules of etiquette within any civility party, and why?

What do you know about ethics in terms of properly understanding distress?

Only perfectly suitable supporters of the Civility Party of Australia are likely to be considered suitable for the trainee membership category.

Perhaps you regard yourself as a competent assessor of suitability.

How do you already contribute to the development of better communities, and how do you know?

How do you define well-informed kindness, and express it?

How do you attempt to encourage, and practice, thoughtful reciprocity?

What are your usual contributions to ethical altruism and political philanthropy?



The Civility Party of Australia does not tolerate hypocrisy, hubris or any form of aggression.

The party encourages reasonable understanding, reasonable hope, reasonable curiosity and reasonable creativity.

What do you encourage, and why?

If you are interested in exploring the priority membership possibilities, please be aware that priority services, like emergency services, are quite expensive to provide.

Adequate assessments of political suitability require a considerable amount of knowledge, time and effort.

Unfortunately, few people, in any society, are adequately qualified to make such assessments.  That is probably why unsuitable people gain political power more often than not.

Every idea originates in the mind of someone, somewhere.  You are currently reading words originating from the mind of the inventor of the Civility Party of Australia.

These words are shared with you as an expression of political philanthropy and effective altruism.

How effectively, altruistically and philanthropically do you invest in knowledge?

Every investment of time is also an emotional investment, whether the emotional experience is pleasurable or otherwise.

Exploring curiosity, creativity and knowledge can often be fun, even when the purpose is highly serious.

Perhaps you do not usually associate civility with fun.

Perhaps you do not usually associate empathy with fun.

Perhaps you do associate freedom with fun.

You may or may not associate reading with fun.  Your response probably depends  on whatever you are attempting to read at a particular moment, and where, and when, and why.

Perhaps you regard politics as fun.

Perfectly suitable supporters of the Civility Party of Australia understand the priorities of the party very well indeed.  They make the time to read information in accordance with those priorities, and respond appropriately.  They may even be regarded as patrons of the party.


Most political parties in Australia are not investing in privacy appropriately.  In fact, they consistently intrude upon privacy.

The members of those parties, and especially the candidates, pretend to be friendly with the public, especially during election campaigns, and when seeking donations.  They are, unfortunately, highly deceptive.

How is it possible to invest in peace adequately if not through respect for privacy, the genuine expression of reasonable affection, and the intelligently frugal use of resources?


The Civility Party of Australia obviously expresses a gentle philosophy.  It is devoted to investing wisely in health, education, love and life.  It expects all its political candidates to do likewise, in their private lives as well as in public life.

The pleasantly accomplished candidates are expected to invest considerable amounts of time in communicating the essence of civility through Civility Party practices, and other practices.  The candidates are also expected to do so with adequate continuity and reasonableness.

The other members and supporters are expected to do likewise.

How do you intend to do so?


If you do not usually regard justice as pleasurable, why is that the case?

Perhaps you do not usually associate the pursuit of justice with civility.  Perhaps you associate it with complexity, dependence and emotional exhaustion.  Perhaps you associate it with hopefulness, or even false hope.

You may or may not associate justice with voting.

You may or may not associate it with presenting voting options appropriately.

Perfectly suitable supporters of the Civility Party of Australia are certainly capable of understanding voting options and presenting them appropriately to the public, in a wide variety of ways.  They are required to do so with suitable independence.

The Civility Party of Australia can only invest in you directly if you choose to apply for trainee membership of the party.

The party invests in you indirectly through the provision of this information.

You may or may not appreciate this gesture as generous.

Developing and maintaining an intelligently kind culture involves the consistent investment in improving community practices, through quality communication.

That primarily involves the active encouragement of civility.

The respectful, mutual understanding of well-informed kindness forms the only viable basis for exploring possibilities for the future.

Unpleasant possibilities are not worth contemplating, except to prevent disasters.

How do you assess your values, and your valuables?

What is most valuable to you, and why?

How are you willing to protect the way of life you most value, even if that way of life is not the one you currently live?

How are you seeking to live in the future, and why, and where?

How are you helping other people to live lives in accordance with values you share, and why are you doing so?



How have you been attempting to encourage people to act with more civility?

You may have found that many people gain a sense of belonging through incivility, and even through the practice of cruelty.

Perhaps you have been involved in thoughtful discussions about how to prevent incivility and cruelty.

Perhaps you regard the Civility Party of Australia as a useful invention.

All human social structures and systems, throughout history, have been associated with personal and interpersonal inventiveness, whether for mutual support or hierarchical status, or both.

If you wish to gain a sense of belonging through the Civility Party of Australia, how do you intend to initiate your connection with the party?

How have you already initiated your political investment strategy, and why?

How have you attempted to demonstrate that you have reasonable ideas about Australia and its place in the world?



How do you know you have a reasonable view of Australians?

How do you know you have the suitable prerequisites for contributing towards purposeful policies in various situations?

How do you usually supply importantly useful information towards the improvement of policies and procedures?



As a member of the ordinary public, you may only have a brief chance to become one of the perfectly suitable supporters of the Civility Party of Australia.

Time is of the essence.  You must make your decision, and express your initiative, as soon as possible.

Perhaps you do not have a suitable sense of urgency.

Perhaps you associate mutually beneficial pleasantness with a culture of corruption rather than a culture of civility.


If you cannot understand urgency, you cannot understand appropriate priorities for investments in the public sphere, whether those investments are governmental or philanthropic.

You may or may not have the ability to understand the fact that trustworthy collaborations between government and business are impossible.  They are impossible mainly due to the fact that businesses invest for private purposes, not public ones.

Governments are not meant to invest for private purposes.  That, in essence, is political corruption.

Definitions must always be clear if facts are to be understood clearly.

Peacefully authentic living requires clarity, security and government honesty.


While most other political parties in Australia, as elsewhere, are devoted towards acquiring donations and practicing deceptive persuasion through propaganda, the Civility Party of Australia is substantially different.

The party encourages practical approaches to providing support, hence the information here.

How do you intend to share this information, and with whom?

Perhaps you will do so as an expression of your enlightened philanthropy.

Perhaps you will do so through your ongoing social research into ways to improve democracy.

If you are not conducting such research, why are you not doing so?

What is your usual approach to investing in conservation, and how do you measure the effectiveness of your approach?

When do you know that thorough assessments are necessary if limited resources are to be used most effectively?

The ineffective use of resources is either an indication of incompetence, largesse or corruption.

Perfectly suitable supporters have appropriately high standards even though they do their best to avoid the dangers of perfectionism.

Perhaps you regard enlightened beings as perfect.

Enlightened beings are mainly involved in peacefully and politely placing political putridness on the compost heap of history.

They understand historical accuracy very well indeed.  They even contribute to that accuracy, through the quality analysis of events.  They are consistently and effectively investing in evidence.

If you are not interested in investing more time towards learning about the Civility Party of Australia now, please be aware that this is only the beginning.

You may still have a considerable amount to learn, or you may believe you already know enough.

If you believe the latter to be true, where is your evidence?

Australian political life is obviously putrid at present.  Peacefully and politely placing that putridness on the compost heap of history is your responsibility, at least if you are capable of doing so.

The Civility Party of Australia sits elegantly at the centre of the political spectrum.  It maintains suitably clear boundaries between the private gain encouraged from the right of the political spectrum and the public expenditure encouraged from the left of the political spectrum.

How have you assessed your talents and thought about their source?

How have you assessed the privileges and disadvantages you have experienced in life?

How have you assessed your experiences of art, and of nature?

How do you know you have a healthy imagination?

Well-informed kindness is obviously an anti-establishmentarian necessity whenever the Establishment is corrupt.

Corruption will always be incompatible with the quality expression of democratic leadership, yet corrupt practices are unfortunately common.

Addressing corruption safely, and improving democracy sustainably, involves preparing appropriately with a proper plan.

Perfectly suitable supporters are willing to assist with the implementation of such a plan.


How do you know your ethics are compatible with those expressed through the Civility Party of Australia?

What have been your most notable contributions to the harmonious interplay of beauty, understanding and magnificence, and how do you know?

How dedicated are you to improving political practices?

How do you know you have a sensible approach to sustainability?

How have you been investing in quaternary possibilities, including your own quaternary educational requirements?

If you have a healthy scepticism, as well as a healthy imagination, you will do your best to assess history properly. 

You will therefore examine records with a questioning mind, locate suitable books to assist your understanding, evaluate perceptions objectively, and acknowledge that all interpretations of events and problems are likely to contain biases.

You are welcome to contribute to the dialogues associated with the Civility Party of Australia if your policy-related investigations have been suitably informed by evidence, and experience.

You have primary responsibility for editing your own words and improving your own enlightenment, in the public interest.

How do you know whether your enlightened self-interest is compatible with the public interest?

Australia urgently requires an improved federal constitution.  It may also require improved state constitutions quite urgently.

How do you know you are willing and able to contribute to such improvements in good faith?

You may or may not have the money to contribute towards an educational campaign in relation to the Australian Constitution and the problems associated with it.

You may or may not have the time and patience necessary to raise awareness of constitutional problems, with or without much money available to assist the process.

What do you already know about reputable groups involved with assessing the Australian Constitution and the improvements it requires?

The constitution says nothing about public accountability.  It merely outlines a few administrative responsibilities and government structures.

Even the right of Australian citizens to participate in the political process is inadequately outlined in the constitution.

There is currently no bill of rights in Australia, whether associated with the constitution or otherwise.

The remnant rights associated with the English Bill of Rights of 1689 expired in Australia with the enactment of the Australia Act of 1986.

Yet there are still disallowance and reservation provisions within the constitution.  They give undemocratic powers to the governor-general, and to the monarch.

The governor-general and the monarch are accountable to the Australian Constitution, not to the Australian public.

The federal parliament is accountable to the public through elections.

The federal government is accountable to parliament.

Yet laws to prevent corruption and uphold the rights of citizens are entirely inadequate.



The Civility Party of Australia is carefully structured to prevent corruption within itself.

Yet preventing corruption in society more widely, and especially politically, is the responsibility of everyone.

If you intend to be regarded as one of the perfectly suitable supporters of the Civility Part of Australia, how can you prove you are neither directly nor indirectly associated with corrupt practices?

How can you prove you have never been corrupt?

How can you prove your experiences of interdependence, however pleasant, have never been associated with corruption?

There are many purposeful reviews associated with the Civility Party of Australia, mostly to prevent corruption and discourage incompetence.

That moderation process is supported by amazingly successful planning, hence the philanthropic provision of this important information.

This document has been designed to be simple and straightforward for perfectly suitable supporters to use.

If you regard anything here to be confusing, what is the cause of that confusion?

How carefully do you read, particularly in terms of legislation and reporting?

How carefully do you conduct research and check facts?

How carefully do you assess responsibilities, and rights?

You may or may not regard political campaigning as an example of enlightened productivity, given the usual standard of political campaigns in Australia.

If you already regard yourself as a perfectly suitable supporter of the Civility Party of Australia, you undoubtedly seek to contribute to the provision of a better government at the federal level, and possibly even in the states and territories, and at the local government level.

Perhaps you wish to implement Civility Party policies through your local council, or even in a community group.

You may also contribute to the improvement of civility and government in Australia through the provision of quality journalism, directly and/or indirectly.

You are currently investing time virtually in the Adelaidezone Digital Arts Quarter.

If this is your first visit here, welcome.

If this is a subsequent visit for you, welcome back.

The document you are currently reading is ethereally located in the library of Frugality Cottage in the Social Media Quadrangle.

There is a wealth of information available in this library, as you may have already discovered.


How do you define fruitful editing?

Perhaps you have skills in editing documents for journalistic purposes or legal purposes or for other necessary purposes.

How do you usually edit information to improve public understanding?

How do you usually edit information to improve societal civility?

How do you usually edit information to prevent misinformation from being distributed?



How, if at all, will you encourage other people to become perfectly suitable supporters of the Civility Party of Australia?

What, if anything, will you encourage people to do in that regard, and why?

How will you demonstrate your leadership?

How will you measure your influence?

You are most welcome to use this document as a checklist during the assessment of your priorities.

Please document your priorities carefully and communicate your plans wisely.

To be successfully registered as a perfectly suitable supporter of the Civility Party of Australia requires considerable documentation.

Once successfully registered, it is then possible to apply to become a trainee member of the party.

Only Australian citizens of adequate maturity are eligible.

Are you sure you are adequately familiar with the rights and responsibilities of citizens, both locally and internationally?

Are you sure you are adequately familiar with the rights and responsibilities of governments, both legally and morally?

Are you sure you are adequately familiar with public interest journalism?

The economy is meant to serve the citizenry.  Unfortunately, Australian governments have tended to regard the economy as sacred and most citizens as stupid.

Public policy is meant to support a healthy society, and a prosperous one, as equitably as possible.

That is the purpose of government.



If you are willing and able to provide a properly informed approach to public policy, like all perfectly suitable supporters of the Civility Party of Australia, please provide the necessary evidence as soon as possible.

How do you usually identify and assess lobbyists and conflicts of interest?

How do you usually identify and assess the funders of propaganda?

How do you usually assess the integrity of advertisers?

How do you usually identify and assess the ethical lapses in various industries?

If you are incapable of distinguishing between fact and opinion, you are not at all suitable as a supporter of the Civility Party of Australia.

If you are incapable of distinguishing between your own opinions and other people's opinions, you are not suitable as a supporter of the party, either.

If you cannot be bothered to question your own assumptions, and to correct your beliefs when the facts prove them to be inaccurate, then you are not suitable as a supporter of the party.

If you can distinguish between fact and opinion, you are willing to ensure your beliefs conform with the facts and you question your own assumptions every day, then you are quite likely to be a suitable supporter.

There are many dangers in the world, most of which are associated with ignorance, false assumptions, gullibility and coercion.

No-one can be forced to believe the truth.

Yet many people are forced to conform to beliefs they do not share, most usually through the use of threats, and violence.

The Civility Party of Australia certainly opposes coerced conformity in most situations.

Yet governments are meant to have a monopoly on coerced conformity, through the rule of law.

When governments do not respect the truth, how do you prefer to respond, and why?

Perfectly suitable supporters of the Civility Party of Australia distinguish clearly between dependence, independence and interdependence.

Society is an interdependent entity yet freedom involves independence of thought.

When people unquestioningly endorse other people's opinions, and therefore accept beliefs without questioning them, that is very dangerous.

It is not only an unhealthy form of psychological dependence but the beginnings of mob rule.

How, then, are you preventing such dangers?

How are you encouraging the promotion of facts, and an accurate understanding of reality?

How do you attempt to prevent yourself from being duped by a propaganda machine, or even several of them?

How do you know when beliefs are delusional and possibly even dangerous?

What is your approach to conducting a purposeful review of a policy?

When do you know, without even conducting any sort of review, that a policy is dangerous and possibly even disastrous?

How do you usually preview policies?

How do you usually review news reports and government reports?


This information provides a brief introduction to the Civility Party of Australia and the matters it is addressing.

Your support is certainly necessary, if it is suitable.

But will you be able to give your full attention to the task ahead?
