Preventing Corruption

Corruption usually involves an abuse of power and/or an unjust expression of influence.

To prevent corruption, it is first necessary to define the acceptable limits of political power, political influence and official authority.

Australia has an adversarial legal system, inherited from a corrupt, expansionist regime in the 18th century.

Adversarial practices are always aggressive and therefore corrupt.

All aggression is corrupt.

Corrupt practices can only be prevented in the present and future when the causes are fully understood.

Non-corrupt politicians, legal practitioners and public administrators rely upon public interest journalism to provide an unbiased perspective on potential corruption.

Tricksters draw attention towards themselves only to benefit themselves by doing so.  They draw attention towards someone or something else when seeking to distract people and divert their attention away from deceptive practices.

If you are not interested in preventing corruption, you are likely to regard the Civility Party of Australia as a threat.

Most political parties are a mixture of corrupt and non-corrupt practices.  The Civility Party of Australia intends to remain corruption-free.

Preventing corruption can easily be achieved through a few, simple reforms.  Yet too many excessively powerful people do not want that to happen.

If you have already been a member of a political organisation, at one time or another, whether briefly or on a long-term basis, what did you learn through that experience in relation to corruption? 

The essence of authentic political pleasantness is the absence of corruption and other forms of cruelty.

The Australian Political Reform Club continues to examine the historical and cultural causes of corrupt practices, addressing them both seriously and satirically.

Sometimes, the threat of satirical ridicule is the only way corruption can be prevented.

To address corruption seriously requires the consistent expression of public interest journalism of the highest quality.

If you have been interpreting the seriousness and satire reflected through Trickery Today, what have you discovered, including about yourself?

You may be aware that Civility World is the name given by the Civility Party of Australia to its global policies.

Although providing certainty through civility and properly understanding distress are responsibilities to be practiced by everyone, everywhere, every society contains a considerable amount of corruption, as does every hierarchical organisation and group.

Personal safety, interpersonal safety, public safety and global must therefore be considered very carefully indeed.

You may learn more about the Civility Party of Australia's approach to public policy and political power through the quality, public interest, independent daily news service, Civility Today.

You may even do so through other news services, though not necessarily as accurately.

Civility Today provides an unbiased way for members of the public to assess their own daily practices, and especially their ethics, while reflecting upon various, important themes.

Prospective members of the Civility Party of Australia are especially encouraged to experience that reflective, daily practice, as are trainee members and advanced members.

If you have explored the priority membership possibilities, you may believe you are ineligible to become a member of the party, whether in terms of the required time commitment, monetary commitment, ethical commitment or citizenship requirements.

The pleasantly accomplished candidates of the Civility Party of Australia have all experienced many crises and traumas in their own lives.  They have also had much experience at alleviating suffering in other lives.

They know there are many differing beliefs and opinions in societies, regardless of the beliefs and opinions of bigots.  They know that the sources of those beliefs and opinions deserve to be understood, not dismissed or attacked.

Members and prospective members of the Civility Party of Australia are responsible for presenting voting options appropriately to the public, both seriously and through satire.

Membership possibilities within the Civility Party of Australia, and other pleasant possibilities for the future, have carefully been structured to prevent corruption within the party.

All over the world, excessively wealthy persons are contributors to political corruption.

Excessive wealth is wealth in the wrong location.  It is used for the wrong purposes.  It causes distress, particularly to persons with inadequate funds when most in need of money.

Yet the market economy cannot meet most needs.  It fails to do so far more often than not, hence the distress experienced even by relatively affluent persons when market failure is evident.

Transactions associated with trade rarely ease suffering.

Transactions associated with corruption cannot ease suffering.

How, then, is it possible to ease suffering, politically and philanthropically, if not by preventing corruption and understanding the proper limits of trade?

Where, when and how do you usually prefer to contribute to the development, implementation, assessment and improvement of purposeful policies?

What, in your view, is enlightened prosperity, and who deserves to experience it, and how?

Enlightened prosperity cannot coexist with corruption.

Obfuscation and obscurantism hide much corruption, in much the same way as propaganda and tabloid news.

Preventing corruption is obviously a proper purpose for any practitioner of political improvement.

The encouragement of corruption by overly powerful persons causes much distress. 

Conspiracy theories and other distorted beliefs direct the attention of gullible people away from the truth about corruption.

Past experiences of corruption have caused considerable societal harm.

The Civility Party of Australia has developed a range of practical approaches to providing support towards acknowledging and addressing the truth of human, and non-human, suffering.

Corruption tends to be evident when necessary services are withdrawn or have never been supplied.

The Civility Party of Australia never associates with unseemly organisations in any way whatsoever.

Its members much prefer the satire of News Crap than the authoritarian claptrap of News Corp.

What have been your prior contributions towards peacefully and politely placing political putridness on the compost heap of history?

The Civility Party of Australia is preparing appropriately with a proper plan for a corruption-free future.

The party is also taking existing corruption, and past corruption, very seriously indeed.

Legislatures, the judiciary and public administrators have failed, time and time again, to prevent corrupt practices.

Why, then, will the Civility Party of Australia be any different?

What have you been learning about, and through, the many royal commissions and other investigations into corruption, indifference and incompetence in Australia?

Adequate public accountability is intended to prevent corruption.

Any other claim of public accountability is likely to be inadequately effective.

How, then, can adequate public accountability be achieved?

Who, for that matter, has a duty to display public accountability the most, and why, and how?

How do you distinguish between enlightened patronage and corrupt patronage? 

What do you believe to be the most ethical approach towards practicing political philanthropy?

What have you contributed towards the improvement of public interest journalism, and how?

How do you compare approaches to addressing corruption?

The corrupt and the confused often become aggressive when panicked. They may even experience paranoia.  That is when they are likely to regard peaceful, reasonable, well-informed people as enemies.

Even the most reasonable people are likely to panic when their lives are directly threatened, especially if they do not know how to escape to safety.

And the failings of legal processes are likely to leave even the most reasonable and well-informed people in considerable shock when they realise the extent of deceptive practices and official indifference.

The Civility Party of Australia will clean out all hubris from Australian public life, as gently as possible.

Rude officials will not be permitted to remain in public employment.  

Lazy public administrators will be dismissed from their positions.

Considerable retraining will occur, to transform public services so that they serve the public interest appropriately. 

All evidence of earlier corruption will be properly investigated and remedied.

A culture of civility will be encouraged everywhere, inside Australia and throughout the world.

But what are you doing to oust psychopaths from power?

What do you do when governments encourage the sale of weaponry to psychopaths inside governments and even outside of them?

Psychopaths use charm, and threats, to encourage compliance with their selfish desires.  The charm hides deception.  The threats prevent the fearful from acting appropriately.

What, then, can help to uncover deception and encourage the fearful to act appropriately?

What do you do?
