Preparing Appropriately with a Proper Plan

A proper plan is not prepared by ignorant accountants.  It is prepared with scientific appropriateness and necessary empathy.

Political organisations often put an inaccurate price on problems.  Such organisations rarely prepare a proper plan in relation to that pricing.

And the pricing is rarely associated with solving the stated problems.

Stating financial figures regarding particular public spending projections is not an approach to solving problems.  It primarily places value on money, not priorities.  It is to defeat the purpose of policies.

As a member of the ordinary, global public, you have briefly been offered the chance to learn about the principal policies of the Civility Party of Australia.



What is your acquaintance with the Civility World policies of the Civility Party of Australia?

What have you been learning about and through Civility Today about preparing appropriately with a proper plan?

How much of your planning is reliant on reliable banking?

What do you know about good planning in relation to improving the reliability of access to useful goods, useful services and useful experiences?

What has been the contribution of economics to your plans?

How do you assess standards in terms of plans and goals and funding?

How do you assess sources of money in various contexts?

What do you know about funding science with a proper plan?

Where, if anywhere, have you been educating the public, and politicians, about proper planning?

Perhaps you believe the Civility Party of Australia should answer questions more often than asking them.  Yet asking questions is the most important duty of anyone with a consistent commitment to accountability and proper planning.

Without appropriate questions, appropriate preparations are usually impossible.
