Performing for the Ordinary Australian Public Appropriately

The ridiculousness in Australian politics must stop.

The hideousness in Australian politics must stop.

The deceptiveness in Australian politics must stop.

The focus on winning elections at all cost must stop.

The craziness of the past must be acknowledged.

The reality of public perceptions must be understood. 

The reality of politics must be acknowledged.

The civility world does not usually reside in politics.

The public does not usually associate civility with politics.

What, then, does the Australian public expect of the Civility Party of Australia, and why?

How should the Civility Party of Australia assess the expectations of the Australian public, and for what reasons?

Gaining political power is pointless for the party if the public has expectations incompatible with civility and good public policy.

Civility and good public policy provide certainty

Maintaining an image of integrity is almost impossible in Australian political life.

The Australian media is generally uninterested in integrity, whether as merely an image or as authentic.

The Australian media is generally uninterested in civility, whether as merely an image or as authentic.

The Australian media is generally uninterested in encouraging high standards in Australian  public life.

Indeed, the Australian media is generally of a low standard itself.

The most responsible part of the Australian public wants politicians and the media to take proper responsibility.

The Civility Party of Australia expects all its members and supporters to be well acquainted with relevant research.

Performing for the Australian public appropriately can only be achieved with proper preparation.

This particularly applies in terms of economics.

Properly understanding economics begins with a proper understanding of distress.

The Civility Party of Australia is already well prepared to form government at the federal, state and local council levels, especially in terms of good public policy and good leadership.

The internal and external policies and practices of the party are appropriately in keeping with the moral necessity for intelligent expressions of frugality.

The party expects all its members and supporters to lead by example by avoiding all forms of extravagance and self-indulgence.

The party's priority membership possibilities reflect that necessity.

Political representation is a very important responsibility.  It is not about assessing competing interests.  It is about acknowledging important moral duties.

While the reporting of Australian politics through the media usually devotes most attention towards scandals and other indications of corruption and incompetence, the Civility Party of Australia prefers to devote its attention to improving the culture of Australian public life.

The party supports a reasonable approach to freedom and finance.

The party supports responsible approaches to trade.

The party expects all its candidates to conduct themselves appropriately at all times.

Civility, integrity and authenticity are intertwined in the lives and manners of pleasantly accomplished candidates.

Even so, performing for the ordinary Australian public appropriately requires a suitable understanding of the arts and emotion.

Knowing how to moderate excessive emotions in the self and others is particularly important for any real leader.  It is particularly important in relation to banking.

Registered members of the Civility Party of Australia have priority access to many important informational and educational resources.  They also have priority access to many unique artistic experiences.

Whether you are currently a member of the party or otherwise, your political activism and/or journalistic practices may already involve the appropriate presentation of voting options to the ordinary Australian public.

You may use your language skills to encourage independence of thought and the accurate assessment of choices.

Consistent civility is necessary for any society to be suitably inclusive.

Good hygiene is an expression of civility in itself.

Adequate appreciation of people involved in cleaning work is therefore an importance expression of civility.

You may already be involved in the distribution of important information about possibilities for the future.

How do you prefer to express your loyalty to enlightened political practices?

How do you define those practices?

Perhaps you regard yourself as lacking the knowledge, intellect and self-confidence with which to answer those questions with honesty, accuracy and courtesy.

Yet no-one has adequate knowledge and no-one has an infallible intellect.

Overly confident people tend to be deluded about their own abilities.  That applies as much to overly confident journalists as overly confident politicians, overly confident bureaucrats and overly confident business people.

Performing for the ordinary Australian public appropriately requires dedication.  It also requires patience and understanding.  It is a process of mutual education.

There is much anguish in every society.  That has always been the case.

Much anguish is hidden behind perceived friendliness, and perceived confidence, and perceived seriousness.

The funding of thriving societies is no more expensive than funding failing ones.

Funding the competent implementation of suitably purposeful policies must always begin by funding appropriate training.

Appropriate training provides the basis of appropriate employment.

Such training gives trainees the confidence to ask necessary questions and seek accurate answers.

Questions are meant to help people to distinguish between certainty and uncertainty.  They are meant to encourage accountability

Indeed, accountability is the essence of democracy.

The necessary etiquette for any appropriate political performance begins with basic courtesy.  It expresses the elegant egalitarianism of mutual civility.

Appropriately improving upon existing standards is a subtle process.

It is never a blatant infringement upon freedom or dignity. 

It uses gentle persuasion through the courteous and conscientious presentation of empathy as well as factual evidence.  

It expresses relevant reasoning through contextual analysis.  

It especially involves the thoughtful examination and critiquing of alternative policy options.

How do you usually assess policies, and for what reasons?

How do you usually assess history, and for what reasons?

How do you usually assess evidence, and for what reasons?

How do you usually assess goals, and for what reasons?

You may have noticed that the Civility Party of Australia does not have a focus on competitive pursuits, whether political or otherwise.

The world requires reasonable co-operation, suitable independence and appropriate interdependence, not the aggressive pursuit of acquisitiveness or unnecessary dependence.

There is much deception in the world, including in Australia.  This is particularly the case when money and/or emotions happen to be involved in conflict-related circumstances.

How do you usually assess principles, and for what reasons?

How do you usually assess preferences, and for what reasons?

The Civility Party of Australia is still unknown to most Australian voters, for various reasons.  You may wish to express your leadership by changing that situation for the better, whether you have any intention of joining the party or not.

Providing voters with all their electoral options - clearly, simply and accurately - is your political right and philanthropic responsibility.

You have a right to regard yourself as a political leader if you help the public to understand politics better.

You also have a right to regard yourself as a philanthropist if you devote substantial time towards addressing problems at their source.

How do you usually assess your thoughts, and for what reasons?

How do you usually attempt to assess other people's thoughts, and why do you take that approach, and for what purpose?

The evidence consistently reveals that standards of political leadership in Australia are, in fact, atrociously low and sometimes even entirely absent, whether legislated otherwise.

Every decision made as an enforced intervention is a political decision, no matter how junior or senior the enforcer may be, and regardless of job title or salary or workplace contractual arrangements.

And every decision deliberately made to ignore legislation is political, too.

How do you usually assess your environment, and for what reasons?

Performing for the ordinary Australian public appropriately always requires the accurate, honest and courteous acknowledgement of risks, including environmental risks.

How do you usually assess defence, and for what reasons? 

When the culture within any publicly funded organisation causes the public to feel insecure, there is obviously a serious problem to address.

The purpose of taxation is to improve the security of the ordinary public: physically, financially and emotionally.

Any other claimed purpose of taxation is likely to be associated with corruption.

What sort of future do you want for Australia and how should that future be funded?

What do you know about practical approaches to providing support appropriately in Australia, and beyond it?

What sort of politics belongs in the past?

What sort of politics belongs in the present and future?

Preparing appropriately for the future, whether politically or otherwise, obviously requires a proper plan.

Putting the plan into practice requires competent performances.

What experience have you had in performing reforms?

What experience have you had in encouraging public accountability?

What experience have you had in improving your leadership?

What experience have you had in preventing corruption?

The Civility Party of Australia would obviously prefer to achieve a landslide victory at the next federal election in order to address corruption appropriately. 

The party would also prefer a substantial mandate in order to address the intolerable vagueness in the Australian constitution.

Yet the process can only begin with appropriate candidates.

The structure of a society, a state, an organisation, a document, a community, or a built environment, must be carefully considered in order to prevent unintended consequences of the detrimental variety.

But how are potential detriments to be identified, and from whose point of view?

What does the Australian public regard as detrimental, and why?  

What does the Australian public regard as having sentimental value, and why?

What does the Australian public regard as having economic value, and why?

What does the Australian public regard as having ecological value, and why?

What does the Australian public regard as having educational value, and why?

What does the Australian public regard as having psychological value, and why?

How does the Australian public view the world, and why?

If you are prepared to express your leadership with adequate civility, you are most welcome to regard yourself as one of the perfectly suitable supporters of the Civility Party of Australia.

If you are a supporter of any other organisations, in any way whatsoever, please be prepared to account for that support appropriately, especially if you also intend to apply to become a trainee member of the party.

What experience have you already gained, in any group, community or organisation in relation to organising support, and with what results?

What experience have you had in relation to identifying and assessing expectations in terms of appropriateness and inappropriateness?

The Civility Party of Australia has no intention of meeting the inappropriate expectations of anyone.  Nor are any of its supporters and members expected to attend inappropriate, or otherwise unnecessary, meetings. 

If you wish to ensure you receive, and contribute towards, very necessary news of relevance to civility in Australia, and in the world more widely, you may wish to show your support towards Civility Today.

You may also show your support towards the Civility Party of Australia, of course, especially if you happen to be an Australian citizen.

You may even show your support towards Very Necessary News.

How do you intend to do so, and why?

The Civility Party of Australia carefully encourages creativity in order to help solve considerable societal problems.

How, for example, are you protecting mental health, for yourself and other people, if not through your creativity and empathy?

How have you been performing for the ordinary Australian public in relation to disability in various contexts?

How have you been performing for the ordinary Australian public in relation to science in various contexts?

How elegant and egalitarian are your performance practices?

Although you are not required to register as a supporter of the Civility Party of Australia, unless you are seeking to become a trainee member, you may nevertheless find it useful to be aware of legislation associated with political party registrations in Australia, and possibly even in other parts of the world.

Accurate comparisons always help to improve performances.
